1 Cor. 9:22 … I have become all things to all men so that BY ALL POSSIBLE MEANS I might save some.
Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, we have begun to establish certain ministries that will cater to society in this day & time. These fall under the heading of "By Any Means Necessary Ministries".
Click each ministry name to learn more information.
This ministry is designed to show the little children the love that they so greatly deserve. Our young people are being sorely mistreated. Through this Christian Day Care, not only will the children receive love, but the parents as well. Children are precious in the sight of God, and also in ours. Opening Soon
Gods House Academy is a Charter School for school age children in the School District.
Opening Soon
Godadelphia is servicing the community with household items, share food program, clothing, back to school and baby essentials, and various needs.
This ministry is designed to develop and prepare our youth for the workforce. The idea is to allow them to have hands on experience in the exact field they chose to pursue. This will give them motivation and insight they need to succeed.
Marriage Enrichment for both pre and post marriage
Marital (pre/post)
Mental health such as anxiety, depression and trauma
Various addictions
Resources for Daily Living
Christian Dinner Theater